Empowering the student to lead the process.

The journey can be complex,
but I simplify it into four phases.



  • Review student’s academic history, standardized tests, extracurricular activities, employment and community service with a critical eye to build a full profile of the student as a candidate for admission

  • Provide student with assessment to learn how their strengths and interests align with schools and careers

  • Advise regarding standardized testing and provide insight into how scores will be evaluated at each university



  • Assistance in drafting a balanced list of up to 20 total reach, target, and safety schools, using admission statistics and data to assess likelihood of admission

  • Develop a detailed timeline with manageable deadlines for each application

  • Meet with family to determine financial affordability / contribution



  • Assist student as they complete college applications

  • College essay help: brainstorming and editing

  • Keep student on track to ensure deadlines are met

  • Conduct mock interviews for admission



  • Compare offers of admissions and financial packages

  • Support with final enrollment decision

  • Assist student with “next steps” should they be offered a spot on a wait-list

Are we a good Fit?

Fit is important when selecting a school, and just as important when selecting an independent educational consultant.
Contact me to explore whether my services align with your goals.

(610) 212-7038